Temple University Japan:

L2 Spoken Vocabulary Acquisition, Instruction, and Assessment

Date: Saturday, October 30th, 2021 Time: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Speaker: Takumi Uchihara (Waseda University, Japan)

The pre sign-up (or course registration for those who are taking this seminar for credit) is required for anybody attending the public session on Saturday, October 30 from 10:00 to 13:00. The sign-up process must be completed through "Distinguished Lecturer Series Seminar Sign-Up Form" that is available on TUJ Grad Ed website. The sign-up deadline is Friday, October 29 at 12:00. The public session Zoom link will be provided to those people who completed the online sign-up (or course registration) process between 17:00-18:00 on Friday, October 29. Remaining Sessions after the public session are scheduled for October 31, November 6, 7 (10:00-13:00 JST) and require a fee of 13,000 yen for the guest auditors. The payment information for auditors will be provided separately.

The past few decades have witnessed an upsurge in the number of second language (L2) vocabulary studies and provided several important implications for vocabulary teaching and learning. The vast majority of earlier studies however have largely focused on written input as a main source of learning (e.g., reading graded readers), engaging learners with word-focused activities in written format (e.g., writing sentences, gap-filling), and measuring the written forms of L2 words (e.g., Vocabulary Size Test). Not as much research attention has been directed towards the spoken forms of L2 words. The goal of this seminar is to highlight existing L2 vocabulary studies focusing on spoken vocabulary acquisition, instruction, and assessment, and discuss how we as researchers and practitioners can undertake future studies in these areas. In this seminar, we will address a number of questions revolving around L2 spoken vocabulary, including "How is vocabulary learned through exposure to spoken input?" "How can we optimize the effect of spoken input on vocabulary learning?" "To what extent does spoken output promote vocabulary learning?" "To what extent is vocabulary knowledge associated with L2 oral proficiency?" and "How should we measure receptive and productive knowledge of spoken forms of L2 words?"

Organization: Temple University Japan

Cost: free

Venue: Online

Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event


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