CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG of JALT:

Action research: A powerful way to engage yourself in professional development

Date: Friday, August 20th, 2021 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Speaker: Anne Burns

This event will feature on Action Research as a tool for professional development with a lecture by Anne Burns followed by a workshop that features examples of action research projects currently under way using the CEFR and CEFR/CV as a principled tool for intervention and reflection. This event is related to Kaken project no. 20K00759 「アクションリサーチの手法を用いた言語教育改善: CEFRの教育理念を参考にして」.

Abstract: There is growing evidence that research conducted by teachers is seen by them as one of the most important and lasting means for professional development. This evidence is supported by the idea that, where teachers can carry out PD in their own contexts of work and investigate teaching and learning issues that are of central importance to them and their learners, this has a strong and positive impact on what can be achieved in the classroom, and more generally the school. In this session, I will provide an introduction to the key concepts and ongoing processes of action research (AR). I'll discuss where AR fits into the wide range of approaches that can be taken in research, and describe the main steps and cycles, and the kinds of outcomes teachers can consider. I'll also provide some illustrations of AR conducted by teachers I've worked with to give participants a sense of the kind of research that can be achieved. Participants in the session who are already involved in AR will have a chance to discuss their research, but the session will also be relevant to participants who may be thinking about AR (or even puzzled by it!) and want to know more. Please sign up to the event for getting the link. More details on cefrjapan.net/events.

Organization: CEFR and Language Portfolio Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG of JALT)

Cost: free

Venue: Online; please sign up before the event to get the link: forms.gle/36agXb7yZRtgV3t18.

Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event


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