Kyoto JALT:
JALT Kyoto Annual General Meeting with featured speakers
Date: Saturday, November 6th, 2021 Time: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Speaker: Makimi Kano (Kyoto Sangyo University), Yoko Kita (Kyoto Notre Dame University), Kahori Kobayashi (Ritsumeikan University)
All Kyoto chapter members and friends are invited to our annual general meeting. This year it will be held on November 6th. We are honored to welcome Makimi Kano (Kyoto Sangyo University), Yoko Kita (Kyoto Notre Dame University) and Kahori Kobayashi (Ritsumeikan University). Details are below. After the three talks, we'll announce the officer election results and the incoming officers will outline their plans for the 2021-2022 PD season. It's a chance for normal members to come participate in the business of the chapter and something you don't want to miss.
1:05-1:35 Revealing the characteristics of reading materials for university students using a corpus linguistics approach by Makimi Kano, Kyoto Sangyo University
University students deal with various types of English reading materials: readings suitable for entrance examinations even before entering a university, required and/or elective English course textbooks, possibly along with graded readers in their first couple of years, and then more advanced materials such as newspaper and academic articles in their later years. There seems to be a huge gap between the materials students read in their required English classes and the authentic English materials they have to deal with in their seminars and for graduation theses. In this talk, I would like to demonstrate how we can analyze the characteristics of texts using a corpus linguistics approach, and through this show the analysis results of each type of reading material the Japanese students encounter during their university years. I'd also like to briefly mention our ongoing research project of "Bridging the Gap between Extensive Reading Materials and Authentic Texts."
1:40-2:10 A comparison of women's social progress between the U.S. and Japan: Breaking the glass ceiling to join a man's world-in RBG style by Yoko Kita, Kyoto Notre Dame University
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's (RBG) life shows that women continuously struggled to break the glass ceiling to join the men's world. As a result, RBG has significantly contributed to women's social progress in America. In contrast, Japanese females' social progress is far behind that of America's. I will compare women's social advancement in Japanese society as we follow the chronological events of RBG's life. Through RBG's life, we can find many clues to help address and sometimes solve today's social issues. For example, how could RBG manage her studies, jobs, and her home life? What skills did she employ in dealing with people (mostly men) in her career, all the way to the Supreme Court? Let's explore for answers together in this interactive discussion.
2:15-2:45 Development Education through Active Learning by Kahori Kobayashi, Ritsumeikan University
I'm going to introduce one of the liberal arts seminar classes open to all the students at Ritsumeikan University. The purpose of the seminars is to promote language learning in interactive ways through various themes, and the classes are held entirely in target languages. The students are diverse from various faculties including international students. My class is an introductory course of development education. Development education deals with issues of multi culture, human right, environment, etc. in the world. The center of the pedagogy used for development education is based on students' participation in collaborative activities. Its skillful ways such as simulations, games, role-plays, and photo languages enable students to participate and engage in learning actively and also promote their understanding even in an English only class.
Organization: Kyoto Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Kyoto JALT)
Cost: free
Venue: Zoom Link (
Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event
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