Hokkaido JALT:
Teaching Fluency using the Verbal Classrooms method (Hybrid)
Date: Saturday, August 20th, 2022 Time: 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Speaker: Jose Domingo Cruz
All teachers want their students to achieve higher levels of fluency, but how to teach it, and which classroom methods actually work? The presenter has been teaching fluency-based speaking classes for over 20 years, and will share his methods and theories to get students to speak faster and to say more. In addition to a basic description of the essentials of his teaching techniques, he will demonstrate some classroom activities, from the basic Answer-Question pattern (AQp) to, One Idea, One Breath (OIOB) which is aimed at fluency improvement, and others such as Timed Speeches and, Disagreements. Time permitting, there will also be an introduction to his Authentic Listening / fluency practice website, GOLDFish365
Format: Hybrid Presentation
Registration (required): Register your attendance at the following link: forms.gle/7zpZFPG5iRW4Au9aA
Presenter Profile José Domingo Cruz has given numerous presentations and keynote presentation for various conferences and educational events and works on several English study projects, including his main venture, "GOLDFish365". Cruz is the author of "Teaching with ZOOM 2", published by Wayzgoose Press. He helped create the protocols for and led the team of volunteer Room Hosts that guided the presentations for the pioneering online conferences for PanSIG and the JALT National conferences of the pandemic year of 2020 (The Fire Station). Cruz is a leading member of Online Teaching Japan, an online discussion group on Facebook centering on topics related to professional development for pedagogy, and where he hosts the broadcasts of "OTJtv". Cruz is from Canada, and is a veteran university instructor and Japan resident, specializing in fluency instruction, authentic materials creation, and online education.
Organization: Hokkaido Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Hokkaido JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: (also JALT Hokkaido Local Members and students) free
Non-members: 500 pre-registered, 1,000 at door (see registration link)
Venue: Hokkai-Gakuen University, International Conference Room 6F Library Building (Toyohira-ku, Asahimachi 4-chome 1-40, directly connected to Exit #3 of the Gakuen-Mae subway station (Toho Line)
Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event
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