Extensive Reading Foundation:
Extensive Reading Foundation's 6th World Congress on Extensive Reading
Date: Thursday, August 10th, 2023 Time: Time TBA
Speaker: Call for presentation proposals ends February 15, 2023
You are invited to participate in the Extensive Reading Foundation's 6th World Congress on Extensive Reading, to be held at the Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia. The event is hosted by the Indonesian Extensive Reading Association with the cooperation of three local universities. This will be an in-person, face-to-face event. Online presentations will not be included. Pre-Conference Workshops will be held 7 Aug. 2023, and the main conference (plenary and concurrent sessions will be held 8-10 Aug. 2023. Please see erfoundation.org/erwc6 for details.
Organization: Extensive Reading Foundation
Cost: See the website for information
Venue: Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia
Location: Bali, Bali Province, Indonesia
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