Osaka IIEEC Study Group:
MAT Basic Reading and Writing Level 2
Date: Sunday, October 13th, 2002 Time: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Contact IIEEC for speaker details.
IIEEC is a teacher training organization for teachers of young learners. In the Basic Reading and Writing Seminars, you will find out how to use the MAT Method to teach and review reading and writing skills as systematically and effectively as listening and speaking. You will look at the best way to teach the alphabet, sentences and paragraphs and also at the most effective ways to handle picture cards, and manage class time and your students.
Organization: Institute for the International English Education of Children (Osaka IIEEC Study Group)
Cost: IIEEC Members: 8,000 yen (please pre-register on the IIEEC web site)
Non-members: 10,000 yen (please pre-register on the IIEEC web site)
Venue: Bentencho Shimin Gakushu Center (Bentencho Station on subway Chuo Line or JR Kanjosen. (tel 06-577-1430; map on IIEEC web site)
Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
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