EventsKyushuFukuoka Prefecture › Dazaifu City

ELT Calendar for Dazaifu City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Dazaifu City.


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Groups Active In Dazaifu City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Dazaifu City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Dazaifu City

Here are some of the past events in Dazaifu City.

Kyushu-Okinawa JACET 17th Annual Conference
Date: October 12th (Saturday) 2002
Speaker: Tomioka Tasuaki, Otsu Atsushi, Shimatani Hiroshi, Yokoyama Shozo, Michael Guest, Kathleen Brown, Bill Underwood, Frank Carbullido, more
Organization: Kyushu-Okinawa JACET
First line of description: The theme of Kyushu-Okinawa JACET Chapter's 17th Annual Conference is "Reforming University-Level English Education".