EventsKyushuFukuoka Prefecture › Kurume City

ELT Calendar for Kurume City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Kurume City.


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Groups Active In Kurume City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Kurume City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Kurume City

Here are some of the past events in Kurume City.

JALT Other Language Educators (OLE) SIG Conference (day 2 of 2)
Date: October 6th (Sunday) 2019
Speaker: Call for papers due July 31st
Organization: OLE SIG of JALT
First line of description: This conference will offer a chance for teachers of any language to share their ideas and research results with colleagues.

JALT Other Language Educators (OLE) SIG Conference: Focusing on Intercultural Communication
Date: October 5th (Saturday) 2019
Speaker: Call for papers due July 31st
Organization: OLE SIG of JALT
First line of description: This conference will offer a chance for teachers of any language to share their ideas and research results with colleagues.

JALTCALL 2011 Conference (day 3 of 3)
Date: June 5th (Sunday) 2011
Speaker: Featured Keynote Speaker: Carla Meskill, State University of New York
Organization: CALL SIG of JALT
First line of description: The 2011 JALT CALL SIG Conference will be held on June 3 - 5 at Kurume University, Mii Campus, in Fukuoka.

JALTCALL 2011 Conference (day 2 of 3)
Date: June 4th (Saturday) 2011
Speaker: Featured Keynote Speaker: Carla Meskill, State University of New York
Organization: CALL SIG of JALT
First line of description: The 2011 JALT CALL SIG Conference will be held on June 3 - 5 at Kurume University, Mii Campus, in Fukuoka.

JALTCALL 2011 Conference (day 1 of 3)
Date: June 3rd (Friday) 2011
Speaker: Featured Keynote Speaker: Carla Meskill, State University of New York. Call for papers due February 28, 2011
Organization: CALL SIG of JALT
First line of description: The 2011 JALT CALL SIG Conference will be held on June 3 - 5 at Kurume University, Mii Campus, in Fukuoka.