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ELT Calendar for Hitachi City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Hitachi City.


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Groups Active In Hitachi City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Hitachi City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Hitachi City

Here are some of the past events in Hitachi City.

Teaching Culture Ethnographically; Study Abroad Programs
Date: April 27th (Sunday) 2008
Speaker: Elaine Gilmour, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: This presentation examines what an ethnographic approach to teaching culture is, and suggests components for a community based ethnography course.

Actually Teaching Listening
Date: April 27th (Sunday) 2008
Speaker: Alastair Graham-Marr, ABAX
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: Teaching listening effectively means teaching both phonology and knowledge of discourse.

How To Get Your Foot In Publishing
Date: April 22nd (Sunday) 2007
Speaker: Satoko Shimoyama, Cambridge Univesity Press
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: In this session, we will tell you how you can get your foot in publishing, answering often-asked questions, e.

Electronic Dictionary vs. Paper Dictionary: How Differences in Dictionary Interfaces Affect English Language Learning
Date: February 19th (Sunday) 2006
Speaker: Natsue Nakayama, Kyoai Gakuen College
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: Recently, handheld electronic dictionaries are becoming popular in Japanese schools.

International Students' Day
Date: February 27th (Sunday) 2005
Speaker: Students from Other Countries Studying in Japan
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: In the first part of today's event, we have invited several students from various countries around the world to speak briefly about life in their homeland or about their experiences living in Japan.

Learner Autonomy through Newsletters
Date: February 8th (Sunday) 2004
Speaker: Wade Carlton, Ibaraki University
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: In this presentation, Wade will show how he and his colleague, Joyce Cunningham, have taken a project for their 3rd year university students to a higher level by giving them more responsibility during all steps of the newsletter's production.

The Phonology of English as an International Language
Date: July 5th (Saturday) 2003
Speaker: Jennifer Jenkins, King's College, University College London
Organization: Tokyo British Council
First line of description: Oxford University Press and The British Council are proud to sponsor this series of biannual talks by distinguished scholars, on areas of interest to language teachers in Japan.

Genki English: Elementary School English
Date: April 20th (Sunday) 2003
Speaker: Richard Graham, Will Jasprizza
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: The presentation will discuss the Monbukagakusho guidelines for English at the elementary school level and how to implement those guidelines in a fun, motivating way.

New language textbooks demonstrated
Date: April 21st (Sunday) 2002
Speaker: Tim Kiggell, Macmillan
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: Tim Kiggell of Macmillan Language House, a consulting author on the Get Real! series, will introduce and demonstrate the very popular Nexus and the Cubic Listening series.

Paraphrasing: What's New? What's Old? What Works?
Date: September 16th (Sunday) 2001
Speaker: William Teweles, Kwansei Gakuin University
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: This talk will focus on ways to incorporate paraphrasing into a composition class.

Effective During-reading Strategies
Date: February 18th (Sunday) 2001
Speaker: Mary Lee Field, Ibaraki University
Organization: Ibaraki JALT
First line of description: This presentation will illustrate, explain, and teach two effective "during-reading" strategies to help Japanese students monitor their comprehension of an English text.