EventsKyushuKagoshima Prefecture › Sendai-shi City

ELT Calendar for Sendai-shi City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Sendai-shi City.


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Groups Active In Sendai-shi City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Sendai-shi City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Sendai-shi City

Here are some of the past events in Sendai-shi City.

Picture Books in EFL Classrooms
Date: June 23rd (Saturday) 2007
Speaker: Mayuka Habbick and Naoko McLellan
Organization: Kagoshima JALT
First line of description: Experience how to make good use of authentic picture books with young EFL learners.

Genki English Teacher Training Seminar
Date: May 11th (Saturday) 2002
Speaker: Richard Graham and Will Jasprizza, Genki English
Organization: Jelly Beans
First line of description: Learn ways to make your kids have fun, enjoy English and become really excited about all the possibilities English offers! How to make your kids quiet, or loud, curing katakana accents, getting them motivated and wanting to speak more! Richard and Will from Genki English will introduce tried and tested, fun games, songs and activities to get elementary school aged kids interested in English, and the world! A Q&A session will follow.