Events › Kanto › Kanagawa Prefecture › Sagamihara City
ELT Calendar for Sagamihara City
Events of professional interest to language teachers in Sagamihara City.
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Groups Active In Sagamihara City
Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Sagamihara City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)
- JACET ESP SIG Kanto (1 event)
- Pearson Japan (1 event)
- West Tokyo JALT (1 event)
Past Events in Sagamihara City
Here are some of the past events in Sagamihara City.
Assessing Spoken Language
Date: August 17th (Sunday) 2014
Speaker: Darren Lingley (Kochi University)
Organization: West Tokyo JALT
First line of description: This workshop will cover issues in assessing small group oral interaction.
Science Challenge - A novel language-learning project at Kochi National College of Technology
Date: March 8th (Saturday) 2014
Speaker: Michael Sharpe (Kochi National College of Technology)
Organization: JACET ESP SIG Kanto
First line of description: Short presentation + business meeting.
Learning to Read; Reading to Learn (Kanagawa)
Date: July 4th (Sunday) 2004
Speaker: Ali Taylor (Longman); Jonah Glick (Longman)
Organization: Pearson Japan
First line of description: Ali Taylor and Jonah Glick provide an an all-you-need-to-know guide on using Readers.