EventsKantoTochigi Prefecture › Ashikaga City

ELT Calendar for Ashikaga City

Events of professional interest to language teachers in Ashikaga City.


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Groups Active In Ashikaga City

Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Ashikaga City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)

Past Events in Ashikaga City

Here are some of the past events in Ashikaga City.

Seven (7) Great Strategies For Getting Children Use English In The Classroom
Date: June 9th (Sunday) 2013
Speaker: Marco Brazil (iETC) Training Director
Organization: Mabuhay Classroom Ashikaga
First line of description: Seven (7) Great Strategies for Getting Children Use English in the Classroom, is a workshop of ideas and approaches for teaching children.

PPR and The Whole Language Approach in the Creative Classroom
Date: August 12th (Sunday) 2012
Speaker: Marco Brazil, IETC Training Director
Organization: Mabuhay Classroom Teacher Workshop
First line of description: When children start learning English, they obviously need to be given language before they can produce it themselves.

The Whole Language Approach and PPR in Children's English Class
Date: May 6th (Sunday) 2012
Speaker: Marco Brazil, Institute Of Englissh Teaching To Children (IETC) Training Director
Organization: Mabuhay Classroom Teacher Workshop
First line of description: The Whole Language Approach to teaching, which focuses on using developmentally appropriate activities that integrate reading, writing, listening, and speaking, is explored in this workshop.

2-Day Certificate Course in Teaching English to Children
Date: January 8th (Sunday) 2012
Speaker: Marco Brazil
Organization: Institute of English Teaching to Children
First line of description: This certificate course is an intensive 2-day course (January 8-9) that will teach you how to become a better teacher for children with an emphasis on practical methodology.