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ELT Calendar for Chofu City
Events of professional interest to language teachers in Chofu City.
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Groups Active In Chofu City
Listed in decreasing order by the number of events on ELT Calendar by each group in Chofu City. (The ELT Calendar database goes back to 2001.)
- UEC (8 events)
- JACET ESP SIG Kanto (6 events)
- Sky High English Studio (1 event)
Past Events in Chofu City
Here are some of the past events in Chofu City.
JACET ESP SIG Kanto (May Meeting)
Date: May 28th (Sunday) 2017
Speaker: Paul McBride (Tamagawa University) and Charles Robertson (Aoyama Gakuin University), Michael Sharpe (Kochi University of Technology)
Organization: JACET ESP SIG Kanto
First line of description: The ESP Kanto Chapter will hold our first meeting for this academic year on May 28 (Sunday), 2017.
JACET ESP SIG Kanto (November Meeting)
Date: November 13th (Sunday) 2016
Speaker: Kevin Knight (Kanda University of International Studies)
Organization: JACET ESP SIG Kanto
First line of description: Program:15:00-15:30 Invited Presentation by Kevin Knight 15:30-16:00 Experience Sharing of JACET National Conference and other international academic conferences 16:00-17:00 Business Meeting Abstract of Kevin Knight's Presentation: TESOL International Association (or TESOL) based in Alexandria, Virginia in the USA has over 11,000 members worldwide, and over 950 of those members belong to the English for Specific Purposes Interest Section (ESPIS) community network.
8th International Conference on ESP in Asia, and the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Teaching and Research in ESP (day 3 of 3)
Date: August 21st (Sunday) 2016
Speaker: Helen Louise Basturkmen, Jigang Cai, John Flowerdew, John Maher, Yoshimasa A. Ono, Yilin Sun, Paul Thomson
Organization: UEC
First line of description: The 8th annual international conference for ESP in Asia will be held in Tokyo, Japan August 19-21, 2016.
8th International Conference on ESP in Asia, and the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Teaching and Research in ESP (day 2 of 3)
Date: August 20th (Saturday) 2016
Speaker: Helen Louise Basturkmen, Jigang Cai, John Flowerdew, John Maher, Yoshimasa A. Ono, Yilin Sun, Paul Thomson
Organization: UEC
First line of description: The 8th annual international conference for ESP in Asia will be held in Tokyo, Japan August 19-21, 2016.
8th International Conference on ESP in Asia, and the 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Teaching and Research in ESP (day 1 of 3)
Date: August 19th (Friday) 2016
Speaker: Helen Louise Basturkmen, Jigang Cai, John Flowerdew, John Maher, Yoshimasa A. Ono, Yilin Sun, Paul Thomson
Organization: UEC
First line of description: The 8th annual international conference for ESP in Asia will be held in Tokyo, Japan August 19-21, 2016.
Open Workshop on Effective Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Strategies for English Language Learners
Date: February 13th (Saturday) 2016
Speaker: Yilin Sun (South Seattle College)
Organization: UEC
First line of description: This interactive session will share several vocabulary teaching/learning strategies based on the recent development in research and teaching practice.
The Colloquium on the Current Development in EST Education in Japan
Date: February 12th (Friday) 2016
Speaker: Yilin Sun, Yuko Itatsu, Aika Miura, Lawrie Hunter, and Shi Jie, Shin Hashimo, Yu Yan and Uma Maheswari
Organization: UEC
First line of description: Colloquium Program: 13:00-13:05 Opening by Jie Shi (IGTEE, UEC Tokyo) 13:05-14:15 Jilin Sun (South Seattle College), ESP in the 21st Century - An NNES Professional's Perspective (Chair: SHI Jie) 14:15-14:20 Break 14:20-15:20 Yuko Itatsu (University of Tokyo), Empowering Science Students in a Global Community: The ALESS Initiative at the University of Tokyo (Chair: Reiko Fujita/Tokai University 15:20-15:30 Break 15:30-16:00 Pedagogical Practices Forum 1: Aika Miura Yamamoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture), Agriculture Corpus and Its Application; Lawrie Hunter (The Center for Professional Communication, formerly Kochi University of Technology), Using information structure mapping to introduce the writing of micro-genres (Chair: Yan Yu/UEC)16:00-16:40 Pedagogical Practices Forum 2: Syllabus Design and Classroom-Based Practices of Undergraduate Technical English at UEC Tokyo, Shi Jie, Shin Hashimoto, Yu Yan and Uma Maheswari (John Cross/UEC Tokyo) 16:40-17:00 Panel Discussion/Q&A: Yilin Sun, Yuko Itatsu, Shi Jie (Chair: Atsuko Jeffreys/UEC)17:00-17:05 Closing: Atsuko Jeffreys (UEC) For abstracts and bios of presenters, please visit the JACET ESP SIG Kanto Chapter site.
ESP Book Review and Conference Reports
Date: November 14th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: To be announced
Organization: JACET ESP SIG Kanto
First line of description: November joint-meeting of JACET ESP SIG Kanto Chapter and the UEC Research Station for Innovative and Global Tertiary English Education (IGTEE).
Designing A Project-based ESP Curriculum in Japan
Date: July 18th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: Paul Daniels (Kochi University of Technology)
Organization: JACET ESP SIG Kanto
First line of description: This presentation will offer suggestions on implementing a successful project-based curriculum for language learners in ESP (English for Specific Purposes) settings with a focus on increasing learner engagement.
Developing a Reading Comprehension Course in ICT Using Authentic Materials
Date: June 27th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: Michihiro Hirai (Kanagawa University) and Tsuyoshi Watanabe (Kanagawa University)
Organization: JACET ESP SIG Kanto
First line of description: Meeting and Presentation While content-language integrated learning (CLIL) is drawing growing attention these days, it is still faced with a number of challenges before establishing a solid foothold in college education in Japan, including the lack of suitable teaching materials and the scarcity of teachers qualified both in field knowledge and in language teaching.
The 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Teaching and Research in ESP UEC Tokyo 2015
Date: February 14th (Saturday) 2015
Speaker: Yukio Tono (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Judy Noguchi (Mukogawa Women's University), Brian Paltridge (The University of Sydney). Call for participation deadline is Dec. 21
Organization: UEC
First line of description: The first symposium which took place this past February was a great success, and many people who are interested in ESP/EAP practice and research gathered together to share ideas.
1st Special Session of the Research Station on Innovative and Global Tertiary English Education, UEC Tokyo
Date: January 19th (Monday) 2015
Speaker: Neil Matheson School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics University of Auckland, New Zealand
Organization: UEC
First line of description: How are students expected to write at the tertiary level? Should language support be provided in generic language support courses or as part of each subject? According to English for Specific Purposes (ESP) research, academic writing varies widely and is discipline specific, which suggests language support should be offered within each discipline, rather than in more generic English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses.
5th Presentation Session of the Research Station on Innovative and Global Tertiary English Education
Date: November 28th (Friday) 2014
Speaker: Shinichi Hashimoto (UEC Tokyo), Jie Shi (UEC Tokyo), Takeshi Tarui (UEC Tokyo), Milan Hodoscek (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia), Siegfreid Hoefinger (Vienna University of Technology, Austri
Organization: UEC
First line of description: The event will consist of 2 research reporting sessions and a special session by Dr.
Implementing a genre-based ESP curriculum at university
Date: May 24th (Saturday) 2014
Speaker: Shi Jie (English Department, UEC Tokyo)
Organization: JACET ESP SIG Kanto
First line of description: As the need for ESP in tertiary English education rises globally in tertiary education, a new English pre-program called Technical English was developed at a Japanese university of science and technology in Tokyo.
2-Day Certificate Teacher Training Program
Date: October 14th (Sunday) 2012
Organization: Sky High English Studio
First line of description: Help Boost Student Learning and School Achievement.