West Tokyo JALT Archive
This is an archive of all of the past events of West Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching on ELT Calendar.
2022 Archive
February 19th (Saturday) 2022
L2 Pedagogy: Cultural Interference Among Native and Non-native Teachers of English
Speaker: Frederick Bacala Yokohama City University
Location: Online, Online Events
2021 Archive
June 27th (Sunday) 2021
Student-Led Research Workshop - A Novel Approach to Process Writing
Speaker: Scott Andrew McLellan, M.Ed. University of Electro-Communications
Location: Online, Online Events
2020 Archive
September 1st (Tuesday) 2020
Teacher Journeys 2020
Speaker: Call for proposals is open until August 15.
Location: Online, Online Events
August 9th (Sunday) 2020
Making a Strong Application for Kaken Grants
Speaker: Kazumi Kato (Tokai University)
Location: Online, Online Events
March 8th (Sunday) 2020
Farewell party for Jason
Speaker: None
Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis
January 19th (Sunday) 2020
X-Reading Users Group, Kanto Chapter 2020 Meeting
Speaker: Marcel Van Amelsvoort, Anna Husson Isozaki, Richard John Walker, Andrew Reimann, Tim Gutierrez
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
2019 Archive
December 7th (Saturday) 2019
Neurodiversity in the EFL Classroom
Speaker: Jennifer Yphantides of Soka University
Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis
September 14th (Saturday) 2019
West Tokyo JALT BBQ and Annual General Meeting
Speaker: Stephen Pihlaja
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
June 2nd (Sunday) 2019
Songs for Teachers and Learners
Speaker: Ruth Iida
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
March 9th (Saturday) 2019
Refining Your Professional Skills: Creating Effective Abstracts, Posters, and Slides
Speaker: Jamie Taylor (Chubu University), Wendy M. Gough (Tokai University), Greg Gagnon (Toyota Technological Institute), Daniel Beck (Rikkyo University)
Location: Mitaka City, Tokyo Metropolis
January 13th (Sunday) 2019
ESP for Language Learners: Introducing the NGSL, BSL, TSL and NAWL Wordlists
Speaker: Charles Browne (Meiji Gakuin University)
Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis
2018 Archive
December 1st (Saturday) 2018
Understanding Your Labor Contract: The Five Year Rule
Speaker: Gerome Rothman
Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis
November 16th (Friday) 2018
International JALT Conference Preview and Social Event
Speaker: Jason Pratt and others
Location: Musashino City, Tokyo Metropolis
October 13th (Saturday) 2018
Using the Process Approach for Advanced Academic Writing: Practical Applications for Diverse Situations
Speaker: Matthew Taylor
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 23rd (Sunday) 2018
Autumnal Equinox (Shuubun-no-hi)
BBQ and Annual General Meeting
Speaker: Nick Jones
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
August 4th (Saturday) 2018
TGI Summer
Speaker: It's a social!
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
June 9th (Saturday) 2018
Extensive Reading - What it is and how to do it
Speaker: Andrew Boon
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
April 14th (Saturday) 2018
The Joy of Stories: Extensive Reading and Story Telling (Presentations about young learners ages 5 to 18); followed by Pizza Party
Speaker: Chiyuki Yanase and Patricia Daly Oe (Sponsored by Macmillan Education Japan)
Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis
March 10th (Saturday) 2018
Strategies and Activities for Success in the New Teaching Year Presentation and My share
Speaker: Melody Elliott (Tokai University)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
February 10th (Saturday) 2018
Design Thinking for Teachers
Speaker: Rab Paterson (Educational Technologist)
Location: Mitaka City, Tokyo Metropolis
January 13th (Saturday) 2018
Presentation Proposal Writing Workshop
Speaker: Robert Croker (Nanzan University)
Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis
2017 Archive
April 22nd (Saturday) 2017
Adapting Drama to the Language Classroom
Speaker: Eucharia Donnery (Shonan Institute of Technology), Yoko Morimoto (Meiji University), and Gordon Rees (Yokkaichi University)
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
2016 Archive
December 3rd (Saturday) 2016
The four corners tour: Part II.
Speaker: Kalyan Chattopadhyay (Four Corners Speaker) and James Dunn (OUP Speaker)
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
November 30th (Wednesday) 2016
JALT Four Corners Tour
Speaker: Dorothy Zemach (Macmillan), Andy Boon (Toyo Gakuen University)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 8th (Saturday) 2016
3 presentations, 2 presenters, 1 audience
Speaker: Alastair Graham-Marr (Abax), Tim Murphey (Kanda University)
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
May 14th (Saturday) 2016
JALT West Tokyo Chapter: 2 Presentations
Speaker: (1) Gregory Birch (Seisen Jogakuin College); (2) Andy Boon (Toyo Gakuen University)
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
2015 Archive
December 5th (Saturday) 2015
Academic Writing: Cultivating Success in the Publishing Process
Speaker: Paul Beaufait and David Ockert
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
November 13th (Friday) 2015
Four Corners Tour - Jane Spiro
Speaker: Jane Spiro (Oxford Brookes University)
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
September 20th (Sunday) 2015
Three Presentations on Online Educational Tools and Resources
Speaker: Jason LaGreca (Instructure; the creator of Canvas)
Location: Hino City, Tokyo Metropolis
June 6th (Saturday) 2015
Second Conference on Critical, constructive assessment of CEFR-based language teaching in Japan and beyond (CriConCef)
Speaker: Prof. Yukio Tono (CEFR-J, TUFS)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
April 26th (Sunday) 2015
JALT West Tokyo Spring BBQ
Speaker: Marc Helgesen, Marcus Benevides
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2014 Archive
November 2nd (Sunday) 2014
The 2014 Tokyo ELT Expo and Book Fair in Association with JALT (day 2 of 2)
Speaker: Prominent authors, trainers, and local teachers.
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
November 1st (Saturday) 2014
The 2014 Tokyo ELT Expo and Book Fair in Association with JALT
Speaker: Prominent authors, trainers, and local teachers.
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 11th (Saturday) 2014
Micro-conference on Tourism English Education
Speaker: Travis Cote (Tamagawa University), Reiko Fujita (Tokai University), Kyoko Morikoshi (Hokusei Gakuen University), Atsuko Takamiya (Japan Convention Services, Inc, Freelance Interpreter)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
August 17th (Sunday) 2014
Assessing Spoken Language
Speaker: Darren Lingley (Kochi University)
Location: Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
2013 Archive
November 3rd (Sunday) 2013
Culture Day (Bunka-no-hi)
The 2013 Tokyo ELT Expo and Book Fair in Association with JALT (day 2 of 2)
Speaker: Prominent authors, trainers, and local teachers.
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
November 2nd (Saturday) 2013
The 2013 Tokyo ELT Expo and Book Fair in Association with JALT (day 1 of 2)
Speaker: Prominent authors, trainers, and local teachers.
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
November 1st (Friday) 2013
Why are we still teaching the wrong grammar the wrong way?
Speaker: Scott Thornbury (New School, New York)
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
October 23rd (Wednesday) 2013
Teaching Large, Heterogeneous Classes
Speaker: Penny Ur
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
2012 Archive
December 9th (Sunday) 2012
The 6th Joint JALT Tokyo Conference
Speaker: Keynote presentations by Andy Curtis (Anaheim University's Graduate School of Education), Shinichi Izumi (Sophia University)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
November 4th (Sunday) 2012
The 2012 Tokyo ELT Expo and Book Fair in Association with JALT (day 2 of 2)
Speaker: Prominent authors, trainers, and local teachers
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
November 3rd (Saturday) 2012
Culture Day (Bunka-no-hi)
The 2012 Tokyo ELT Expo and Book Fair in Association with JALT (day 1 of 2)
Speaker: Prominent authors, trainers, and local teachers. Call for papers due September 16th.
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 19th (Saturday) 2012
Spreading the Good Word: Introducing the Vocabulary SIG
Speaker: Charles Browne, Rory Rosszell, Jeffrey Stewart, Charles J. Anderson, and Rob Waring.
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
2010 Archive
November 27th (Saturday) 2010
Where do New Ideas Come From?
Speaker: Professor Alan Maley
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
November 18th (Thursday) 2010
TESOL Situated Development Mini-Conference 2010: 'Astonishing Research'
Speaker: Nur Hooton, Jerry Talandis Jr, Oliver Mackie, Hayet Amdouni, Tim Marchand
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 31st (Sunday) 2010
The 5th JALT Joint Tokyo Conference 2010
Speaker: Yusa Koizumi, Steven Kirk, Alastair Graham-Marr, Kip Cates, Brenda Bushell, and Setsu Tsuji
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 23rd (Saturday) 2010
Tokai Foreign Language Center: JALT Professional Development Symposium 2010
Speaker: Alastair Graham-Marr, David Barker, and several more
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 20th (Monday) 2010
Respect for the Aged Day (Keirou-no-hi)
MASH JALT Tokyo Equinox 2010 (day 4 of 4)
Speaker: Scott Thornbury and more
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 19th (Sunday) 2010
MASH JALT Tokyo Equinox 2010 (day 3 of 4)
Speaker: Scott Thornbury, Roger Palmer and more
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 18th (Saturday) 2010
MASH JALT Tokyo Equinox 2010 (day 2 of 4)
Speaker: Scott Thornbury and Andy Boon
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 17th (Friday) 2010
MASH JALT Tokyo Equinox 2010 (day 1 of 4)
Speaker: Scott Thornbury
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 26th (Wednesday) 2010
Shifting Paradigms in Online Language Learning: The Link between Technology and Organizational Culture
Speaker: Larry Davies (ABD), St. Thomas University
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2009 Archive
November 19th (Thursday) 2009
Oxford Teaching Seminar 2009
Speaker: Angela Buckingham, Grant Trew, Sue Garton, Andy Boon
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 11th (Sunday) 2009
The 4th Joint JALT Tokyo Conference: Successful language learners and what they can teach us
Speaker: Chuck Sandy, Rob Waring, Yuka Iijima, Kevin Cleary, Marcos Benevides, Sarah Birchley, and Andy Boon
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
April 25th (Saturday) 2009
Input and Output: Toward Integration
Speaker: Dr. John Fanselow and others
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
April 24th (Friday) 2009
TESOL Action Research Mini-conference 3: More Astonishing Research
Speaker: Andrea Little, Terry Fieldsend, Sarah Haas, Andy Boon, and Alastair Graham-Marr
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2008 Archive
December 21st (Sunday) 2008
Teaching English to Young Learners: Paving the Way
Speaker: Aleda Krause, Hitomi Sakamoto, Mayuka Habbick, and Chantal Hemmi
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 30th (Thursday) 2008
Astonishing Research - TESOL Action Research Mini-Conference 2008
Speaker: Fiona Copland, Andy Boon, and Mike McDonald
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 5th (Sunday) 2008
The JALT 3rd Annual Joint Tokyo Conference
Speaker: Rob Waring, Neil Cowie, Keiko Sakui, Kevin Ryan, Alastair Graham-Marr, Tomio Uchida, and Alan Bossaer
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
April 27th (Sunday) 2008
Teacher Development: Perceptions and Reflections
Speaker: Dr. John Fanselow, Dean Charles, Clair Taylor, Andy Boon
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2007 Archive
December 16th (Sunday) 2007
Micro-Conference 6: The Ins and Outs of Language Testing
Speaker: Terry Yearly (TOFL Seminar), Gerry Lasche (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University), Andy Boon (Toyo Gakuen University), Kristie Sage (Komazawa University), and Jeff Hubbell (Hosei University)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 14th (Sunday) 2007
The 2nd JALT Joint Tokyo Conference - Innovation in Language Teaching
Speaker: Joe Falout, Yukio Tono, Bill Pellowe, Yuri Komuro, Chuck Sandy, and Tim Murphey
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 30th (Sunday) 2007
Exploring Presentation Skills
Speaker: Keiji Nomura, Tim Knight, Peter Ross, Simon Stevens, Andy Boon
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
July 27th (Friday) 2007
Astonishing Research: Opportunities, Discovery and Results
Speaker: Andy Boon, Simon Stevens, and Urszula Clark
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
March 31st (Saturday) 2007
CALL: Get in the mood for Moodle!
Speaker: Jason La Greca, Kevin Ryan, Peter Ruthven-Stuart, Ted O'Neill
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2006 Archive
October 22nd (Sunday) 2006
The 1st JALT Joint Tokyo Conference: Action Research - Influencing Classroom Practice
Speaker: David Nunan, Curtis Kelly, Don Maybin, Stan Pederson and Andy Boon
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 16th (Saturday) 2006
How to Apply for a JSPS Grant in Aid of Scientific Research
Speaker: Sayoko Yamashita and Donna Tatsuki
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
June 10th (Saturday) 2006
Micro-Conference #3: Reading Inside and Outside the Classroom
Speaker: Richard Barber, Andy Boon, Daniel Stewart and Roberta Welch
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 28th (Sunday) 2006
Teaching Test-Taking Strategies
Speaker: Karl O'Callaghan, Oxford University Press
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
January 29th (Sunday) 2006
The Kanto Junior/Senior High School English Teachers Seminars
Speaker: Curtis Kelly, Martin Nuttall, Chuck Sandy, plus six others
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2005 Archive
November 26th (Saturday) 2005
Micro-Conference #2: Writing from Within and Without
Speaker: Curtis Kelly, Simon Stevens, Chris Gallagher and Peter Ross
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 29th (Saturday) 2005
Micro-Conference 1: DYI CALL: eLearnng on the Cheap
Speaker: Andy Boon, Timothy Gutierrez and Peter Ross
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
April 16th (Saturday) 2005
Pizza Party / Listening Skills Workshop
Speaker: Karl O'Callaghan, ELT Consultant for Oxford University Press
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2004 Archive
June 13th (Sunday) 2004
Cooperative Development for Language Teachers
Speaker: Andrew Boon
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 23rd (Sunday) 2004
2004 Pan-SIG Conference: The Interface Between Interlanguage, Pragmatics and Assessment (day 2 of 2)
Speaker: Andrew Cohen and others
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 22nd (Saturday) 2004
2004 Pan-SIG Conference: The Interface Between Interlanguage, Pragmatics and Assessment (day 1 of 2)
Speaker: Andrew Cohen and others
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
March 14th (Sunday) 2004
Discovering the Joy of Play in Language Learning
Speaker: Maria Lockhart
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
2003 Archive
December 14th (Sunday) 2003
Three presentations from JALT's National Conference in Shizuoka
Speaker: Shi Jie, Tetsuro Fujii, Kay Hammond, Hywel Evans
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
October 19th (Sunday) 2003
Live from Korean TESOL 2003!! Teacher Development
Speaker: Donald Freeman, SIT (School for International Training)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
September 14th (Sunday) 2003
In Search of Appropriate Materials for Use in the EFL Classroom
Speaker: Kenneth Biegel
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
July 27th (Sunday) 2003
Fluency and Accuracy, Fun and Artistry
Speaker: Kris Bayne
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
June 22nd (Sunday) 2003
Enabling, Shaping and Enhancing Expression
Speaker: Peter Ross
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
May 31st (Saturday) 2003
On-line Drills for Learning and Teaching
Speaker: Etsuo Kobayashi
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
March 23rd (Sunday) 2003
Duo la Drama! Using Drama in Language Teaching
Speaker: Yoko Mochizuki and Peter Ross
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
2002 Archive
October 19th (Saturday) 2002
Addressing Relevance and Motivation in English Language Classrooms
Speaker: Jonah Glick, Pearson Education Japan
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
September 28th (Saturday) 2002
Making your English Lessons More Communicative
Speaker: Hywel Evans, PhD. London University
Location: Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis
July 13th (Saturday) 2002
How to Make and Use Video Files for Teaching and Learning on the Internet
Speaker: Kobayashi Etsuo
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
June 22nd (Saturday) 2002
How to Make Web Pages to Facilitate Learning and Teaching
Speaker: Kobayashi Etsuo
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 25th (Saturday) 2002
On-line Drills for Learning and Teaching
Speaker: Kobayashi Etsuo
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
March 17th (Sunday) 2002
Roles, Strategies and Skills for Activating Student Discussions
Speaker: Valley Peters
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2001 Archive
November 17th (Saturday) 2001
Lesson Planning By Threads
Speaker: Tessa Woodward
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
July 8th (Sunday) 2001
Options and Frameworks in Lesson Planning
Speaker: Josh Kurzweil, Kansai University and Brian Long, Kyoto Gaidai
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
June 17th (Sunday) 2001
Task-based Learning
Speaker: Johan Glick, Longman Publishing; Don Ogawa, Longman Publishing
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 20th (Sunday) 2001
The Silent Way
Speaker: Noriko Ross
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
February 11th (Sunday) 2001
National Foundation Day (Kenkoku-kinen-no-hi)
Memoirs of a Teacher
Speaker: Peter J. Collins
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis