JACET ESP SIG Kanto Archive
This is an archive of all of the past events of JACET English for Specific Purposes SIG (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Kanto on ELT Calendar.
2021 Archive
July 17th (Saturday) 2021
Using automatic speech recognition to develop speaking skills
Speaker: Paul Daniels, Kochi University of Technology
Location: Online, Online Events
2017 Archive
May 28th (Sunday) 2017
JACET ESP SIG Kanto (May Meeting)
Speaker: Paul McBride (Tamagawa University) and Charles Robertson (Aoyama Gakuin University), Michael Sharpe (Kochi University of Technology)
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
January 21st (Saturday) 2017
JACET ESP SIG Kanto January Chapter Meeting
Speaker: Philip McCasland (Fukushima University)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2016 Archive
November 13th (Sunday) 2016
JACET ESP SIG Kanto (November Meeting)
Speaker: Kevin Knight (Kanda University of International Studies)
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
February 13th (Saturday) 2016
Open Workshop on Effective Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Strategies for English Language Learners
Speaker: Yilin Sun (South Seattle College)
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
February 12th (Friday) 2016
The Colloquium on the Current Development in EST Education in Japan
Speaker: Yilin Sun, Yuko Itatsu, Aika Miura, Lawrie Hunter, and Shi Jie, Shin Hashimo, Yu Yan and Uma Maheswari
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
2015 Archive
December 19th (Saturday) 2015
JACET ESP SIG Kanto (December 2015 Meeting) Classroom practices
Speaker: Lawrie Hunter, Michael Sharpe, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan and Shi Jie
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
November 14th (Saturday) 2015
ESP Book Review and Conference Reports
Speaker: To be announced
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
July 18th (Saturday) 2015
Designing A Project-based ESP Curriculum in Japan
Speaker: Paul Daniels (Kochi University of Technology)
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
June 27th (Saturday) 2015
Developing a Reading Comprehension Course in ICT Using Authentic Materials
Speaker: Michihiro Hirai (Kanagawa University) and Tsuyoshi Watanabe (Kanagawa University)
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
February 14th (Saturday) 2015
The 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Teaching and Research in ESP UEC Tokyo 2015
Speaker: Yukio Tono (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Judy Noguchi (Mukogawa Women's University), Brian Paltridge (The University of Sydney). Call for participation deadline is Dec. 21
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
January 10th (Saturday) 2015
Using Student Writing And Disciplinary Expertise To Develop An Academic Writing Course
Speaker: Neil Matheson (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2014 Archive
October 11th (Saturday) 2014
Micro-conference on Tourism English Education
Speaker: Travis Cote (Tamagawa University), Reiko Fujita (Tokai University), Kyoko Morikoshi (Hokusei Gakuen University), Atsuko Takamiya (Japan Convention Services, Inc, Freelance Interpreter)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
June 28th (Saturday) 2014
A Review of the Theoretical Origins of English for Specific Purposes
Speaker: Tomonori Ono
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
May 24th (Saturday) 2014
Implementing a genre-based ESP curriculum at university
Speaker: Shi Jie (English Department, UEC Tokyo)
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo Metropolis
March 8th (Saturday) 2014
Science Challenge - A novel language-learning project at Kochi National College of Technology
Speaker: Michael Sharpe (Kochi National College of Technology)
Location: Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
2013 Archive
December 21st (Saturday) 2013
Key Factors for Designing EBP Courses
Speaker: Kazushige Tsuji and Setsu Tsuji
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
October 12th (Saturday) 2013
October 2013 Workshop Meeting
Speaker: Masa Tsuneyasu (Utsunomiya University), Brett Milliner (Tamagawa University), Travis Cote (Tamagawa Uniiversity), Dave Rear (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
2012 Archive
December 8th (Saturday) 2012
A Systematic Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking through Debate in an ESP Context
Speaker: Dave Rear (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis