Date & time in PHP and MySQL

A handy reference.
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TimeThe function is:
where "format" consists of the letters given below.
The functions are:
date_format(string, format)
time_format(string, format)
where "format" consists of the letters given below.)
  hour, 2-digit, 12-hour (01-12)h%h
  hour, 2-digit, 24-hour (00-23)H%H
  hour, numeric, 12-hour (1-12)g%l
  hour, numeric, 24-hour (0-23)G%k
  minute, 2-digit (00-59)i%i
  seconds, 2-digit (00-59)s%S
  time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)none, use date("H:i:s")%T
  time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss AM/PM)none, use date("g:i:s A")%r
  AM / PM (uppercase letters)A%p
  am / pm (lowercase letters)anone
  day name, full (Sunday)l (a lowercase L)%W
  day name, abbreviation (Sun)D%a
  day as number of week (0-6)none, use a getdate() array:
First do this:
  $dateInfo = getdate(); 
Your day as number of the week is $dateInfo[wday];
  day number of the yearz
(Note: 0-365; ex: January 1st is 0)
(Note: 001-366; ex: January 1st is 001)
  month name in full (January)F%M
  month name, abbreviated (Jan)M%b
  month, 2-digit (01-12)m%m
  month, no leading 0 (1, 2, 3 - 12)n%c
  day of month, 2-digit (01, 02, ...)d%d
  day of month, no leading 0 (1, 2)j%e
  day of month with ordinal suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th...)none. Use jS%D
  ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, th)Snone; use %D (above)
  year, 4 digit (2001)Y%Y
  year, 2 digit (00-99)y%y


Examples: To write:Use this:Use this:
  Sunday, June 03, 2001  date('l, F d, Y')  date_format(date, '%W, %M %d, %Y')
  Sun., Jun 3rd, 2001. 11:30 AM  date('D., M jS, Y.g:i A')  date_format(datetime, '%a., %b %D, %Y. %l: %i %p')
Or if there are two columns, one date and one time, you'd use:
  date_format(date, '%a., %b %D, %Y.')
  time_format(time, '%l: %i %p')
See the note below)
  2001-06-03  date('Y-m-d')(see important note below; this is default for date-type columns so you don't have to use any special function or formatting at all.)

Important Note:

The choice in MySQL between date_format() and time_format() depends on the type of column you have stored your date in.

MySQL column type:

Data format in the column (all parts are required)






date_format() to get date values

time (see "NB" below)



time_format() to get time values


YYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

2001-06-03 13:30:00

date_format() to get date and/or time values

NB: the time type for MySQL columns actually represents an amount of time elapsed; thus, it can be negative or positive. However, it can also be used to represent the time of day, where it represents the amount of time elapsed since 1 second past midnight. If you forget to add :00 for seconds (for example, using 13:30 for 1:30 p.m.), your time value will be interpreted as the number of minutes and seconds after midnight, or 12:30 a.m. plus 30 seconds.