See it work here. Copy and use if you want. Leave a link to PHP Stuff, please, if you use this in whole or in part. Written in PHP.
<title>Mileage Converter</title>
<META Name="description" Content="Converts mpg (US miles per gallon) to liters per kilometer, and vice versa">
<META Name="keywords" Content="convert, converstion, miles, kilograms, mpg, kpl">
<body bgcolor=white>
<! -- Mileage v 1.0, Bill Pellowe, -->
$form_block = "
<form method = \"post\" action = \"$PHP_SELF\">
<p>Put a number here: <input type = \"text\" name=\"value1\" size=10></p>
<p>Change that number...<br>
<select name =\"convert\">
<option value=\"mpgkpl\" selected>from miles per gallon to kilometers per liter</option>
<option value=\"kplmpg\">from kilometers per liter to miles per gallon</option>
<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Do the conversion\"></p>
<p> </p>
<p> <font size=\"-2\"><a href=\"index.php\">up</a></p>
// remove commas and spaces
$valuetemp = str_replace(",", "", $value1);
$value = str_replace(" ", "", $valuetemp);
// get the first character in the value to later check that it's not a letter
$check = substr($value, 0, 1);
// in case no number is entered, the page refreshes
if ($value == "") {
echo "<h1>Mileage Conversion Tool<img border=\"0\" src=\"../images/php-small-white.gif\" align=\"texttop\" hspace=\"30\" width=\"88\" height=\"31\" alt=\"PHP\"></p></h1>";
echo "<ul>Jack said this would be useful.</ul>";
echo "<hr>";
echo "$form_block";
} else if (($check != "0") && ($check != "1") && ($check != "2") &&
($check != "3") && ($check != "4") && ($check != "5") && ($check != "6") &&
($check != "7") && ($check != "8") && ($check != "9") && ($check != ".") && ($check != "-"))
echo "<h1>Mileage Conversion Tool<img border=\"0\" src=\"../images/php-small-white.gif\" align=\"texttop\" hspace=\"30\" width=\"88\" height=\"31\" alt=\"PHP\"></p></h1>";
echo "<ul>Jack said this would be useful. <strong>It can't start with a letter.</strong></ul>";
echo "<hr>";
echo "$form_block";
} else {
if ($value == 1) {
$plural = "";
} else
$plural = "s";
if ($convert == "mpgkpl") {
$result = ($value * 1.6093) / 3.79;
$unit1 = "mile";
$unit1 .= $plural;
$unit1 .= " per gallon (US)";
$unit2 = "kilometers per liter";
} else if ($convert == "kplmpg") {
$result = ($value * 0.6214) / 0.26;
$unit1 = "kilometer";
$unit1 .= $plural;
$unit1 .= " per liter";
$unit2 = "miles per gallon (US)";
echo "<h1>Mileage Conversion Tool<img border=\"0\" src=\"../images/php-small-white.gif\" align=\"texttop\" hspace=\"30\" width=\"88\" height=\"31\" alt=\"PHP\"></p></h1>";
echo "<p><strong>Result of your conversion:</strong></p>";
echo "<ul><strong>$value</strong> $unit1 is equal to <strong>";
// format the result (number value, decimal places, decimal separator, thousands separator)
echo number_format($result, "2", ".", ",");
echo "</strong> $unit2.";
if ($check == "-") {
echo "<br><font color=red><i>What are you doing, driving backwards?</i></font>";
echo "</ul></p><hr>";
echo "<p>You can do another conversion if you'd like:</p>";
echo "$form_block";