Temple University Japan:
Practical Approaches to Teaching Academic English
Date: Saturday, July 12th, 2003 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Robin Scarcella, University of California, Irvine
Academic English entails the multiple, complex features of English required for success in advanced schooling in the United States and even in many types of career advancement in Japan. It is the variety of English that is highly regarded in university settings. It involves mastery of a writing system and its particular academic conventions as well as proficiency in reading, speaking, and listening. Unfortunately, academic English has often been under-emphasized in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction. Many have not understood its importance in helping students function in academic settings or have misunderstood its complex nature. Of particular interest in the study of academic English are policies that create barriers to learning academic English for students as they move through their daily routines in the larger school setting. The result is that some students find it difficult to learn and practice academic English and/or to demonstrate active interest in developing it.
Drawing on ethnographic research as well as quantitative study, this seminar by Dr. Robin Scarcella offers an account of some of the critical challenges facing teachers who teach academic English to EFL learners in Japan. This seminar discusses practical approaches to the study of academic English, presents a multi-dimensional framework for analyzing it, and describes the relationship between the English used in everyday situations and in academic ones. It focuses on practical teaching implications.
This seminar is part of TUJ's Distinguished Lecturer Series. Note that each seminar is actually 2 days long, apx. 7 hours per day. The first three hours of each seminar are free and open to the public. To attend both days of the weekend seminar costs 10,500 yen for the general public (free for M.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University Japan). Please see the TUJ Tokyo web site for full details.
Organization: Temple University Japan
Cost: TUJ Members: free for M.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University Japan
Non-members: free (first three hours)
Venue: Temple University Japan, Osaka Center, Osaka YMCA, 1-5-6 Tosabori, Nishi-ku, Osaka
Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
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