West Tokyo JALT:
The 1st JALT Joint Tokyo Conference: Action Research - Influencing Classroom Practice
Date: Sunday, October 22nd, 2006 Time: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Speaker: David Nunan, Curtis Kelly, Don Maybin, Stan Pederson and Andy Boon
West Tokyo and Tokyo JALT chapters are proud to host the first of a new annual conference in the Tokyo area.
Presentations include:
David Nunan: Action Research and Professional Growth
In this presentation, Nunan will examine action research as a professional development tool. The presentation will address the following questions: What is action research? What effect can AR have on teachers' practices? What are the steps in doing AR? What are some of the problems and solutions in doing AR?
Curtis Kelly: Unconventional Ways to Research your Teaching
Let us consider three new methodologies for doing research in our work: 1) Action research, "the process of identifying a puzzle in the classroom, collecting data, and interpreting that data" (Finch), 2) Development research for making something new, and 3) Evaluation research for checking products or programs.
Don Maybin: Changing behavior: Communication strategies training research
This presentation will describe the evolution of a specific communication strategies training model, including its origin, classroom introduction, and testing approaches. Discussion will center on research carried out with Japanese university students in the UK, as well as data based on the training of business professionals in Japan.
Stan Pederson: Assessing an extensive reading program
This presentation describes a system for assessing an extensive reading program using a simple cloze test combined with easily applied yet sophisticated statistical analysis. The instrument revealed dramatic improvement in student ability, results which were confirmed on two other measures associated with reading proficiency.
Andy Boon: Bringing down the wall: The IMCD experience
This presentation will outline current procedures utilized by teachers to work on their professional development. It will also describe a teacher development program in which isolated teachers use Instant Messenger Cooperative Development (IMCD) (Boon, 2005), to facilitate and support reflections and investigations of teaching.
Pre-registration and more information is available at tjalt-conf06.iplusone.org/.
Organization: West Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (West Tokyo JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: 1,500 yen
Non-members: 3,000 yen
Venue: Temple University Japan Rooms 206/207
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
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