Hiroshima JALT:
Prepare Your Students for Academic Studies
Date: Sunday, May 18th, 2008 Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Eri Okuda (Oxford University Press)
Students will cope much better in study-abroad programs if they are adequately prepared with the strategies they need to listen, take notes, and discuss ideas independently and confidently. Through her own anecdotes, Ms. Okuda will talk about the problems/issues that students will face and skills that they need in order to survive academic study overseas. OUP has a video-based series, 'Lecture Ready', that trains students in the listening and language skills they need during lectures in their future study.
Organization: Hiroshima Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Hiroshima JALT)
Cost: free
Venue: Hiroshima Peace Park, International Conference Center 3F.
Location: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
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