Fukuoka JALT:
Two Presentations on using Technology for Language Learning
Date: Saturday, June 14th, 2008 Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Speaker: Ian Brown, Kyushu University; Bill Pellowe, Kinki University Iizuka campus
Presentation 1: Web 2.0 Activities for any Teacher and Class,
by Ian Brown, Kyushu University.
Much has been said about Web 2.0 sweeping the Internet these days. However what does it all mean for EFL teachers? Particularly how can teachers use Web 2.0 with their classes even if both teacher and students are not overly technical minded. This presentation aims to introduce a number of Web 2.0 websites that teachers may like to try with their classes. This presentation is not about theory but a practical introduction to some examples of these websites and how they might be used. Furthermore, teachers do not need to be computer experts to use these websites nor do their students, and in particular these activities can be used with students of lower levels as well as mid to higher ones.
Not all teachers using CALL have access to sophisticated CALL facilities and in fact some teachers have no access even to computer rooms in their institutions. Free web-based hosting sites, give teachers wanting to use CALL, even in limited circumstances, an opportunity to use CALL by allowing them to set up free independent class �home� sites which include many Learner Management System (LMS) features. Although these class �home� sites are more limited than full-blown LMSs, they are far more featured and education minded than typical blog sites that teachers may already be familiar with. They can be used in a variety of ways to enhance learning and class atmosphere from providing students with information about the class, and supplementary materials to being used for the submission of homework and assignments, and for providing avenues of communication and discussion between teacher and students, and student and student, through, messaging, blogs and discussion boards. In short they offer teachers an opportunity to extend learning beyond the restricted confines of their classrooms. The presentation will introduce and compare four such free potential websites and then introduce an example of how a popular web 2.0 photo sharing website can be integrated with such a site. The presentation aims to be a practical introduction to some new ideas on how CALL and Web 2.0 can be used in education, opening up new areas and potentials for teachers to build on.
Ian Brown (Master of Ed TESOL) is currently an Associate Professor working on a CALL project at Kyushu University. His teaching background spans over eighteen years with experience teaching in Japan, Australia and Thailand. He has a long interest in CALL, especially in the areas of teacher training and making CALL practical for all teachers. He has worked as a specialist CALL teacher and coordinated an extensive Blended learning EAP program. He has presented papers and conducted training sessions on various aspects of ELT and CALL at conferences and workshops around the world.
Presentation 2: Tools of the Trade: Utilizing the Video-iPod to Deliver Engaging EFL Content
Bill Pellowe, Kinki University
Using only a video iPod, Pellowe demonstrates numerous ways that this new tool can be utilized to deliver both authentic and teacher-created material to the EFL classroom. The video iPod can be used either as a basic stimulus/ schema activator, supplemental support, or as the main content of a language lesson. Learn how to use video, slides (which are more commonly associated with laptops and PowerPoint), photos and audio, including podcasts, to better engage students. Technological tips, along with a detailed handout that includes web-based supplementary materials, will be provided. Come and experience why the iPod is actually an affordable alternative to other technologies such as laptop computers.
Bill Pellowehas been teaching English in Japan since 1990. He served as Fukuoka JALT's program chair, then president, from 1995 - 2002. He runs ELT Calendar (www.eltcalendar.com), an events calendar for language teachers in Japan.
Organization: Fukuoka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Fukuoka JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1,000 yen
Venue: Fukuoka Jo Gakuin Tenjin Satellite Campus (9F), Tenjin 2-8-38, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi map
Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
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