National JACET:
JACET 2012: The 51st International Convention
Date: Saturday, September 1st, 2012 Time: 9:00 AM - 5:50 PM
Speaker: Call for papers due February 10
The theme of JACET's 2012 International Conference is The Application of Contemporary Language Theories to Higher English Education: Focusing on the Importance of Content-based and Context-based Approaches. For more information, please see the conference web page on the JACET site.
Organization: Japan Association of College English Teachers (National JACET)
Cost: JACET Members: 6,000 yen for the whole convention
Non-members: 10,000 yen for the whole convention
Venue: Aichi Prefectural University, Nagakute Campus, 1522-3 Ibaragabasama, Nagakute-shi, Aichi, 480-1198 (map)
Location: Nagakute City, Nara Prefecture, Japan
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