ALTTO (ALT Training Online):
ALT Agora - 6
Date: Thursday, July 15th, 2021 Time: 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
Speaker: Miguel Mision (University of Nagano), Erin Noxon (Sagano High School), Akiko Kano (Sophia University), Jackson Koon Yat Lee (Toyo University), Kuniaki Sakai (English Kamishibai Artist)
Tired of these long rainy days? Then join us for the sixth ALT Agora, the monthly free professional development event for ALTs and let's celebrate together the return of the sunny season before we all go on our well deserved summer break! Come watch July's spotlight speaker and choose your themed breakout room to engage with other ALTs in a professional and friendly environment. As always, the event is free and open to all!
SPOTLIGHT: Getting the most out of games. Miguel Mision (University of Nagano)
"Didn't we play karuta last week? Do I really want to play bingo again?". No matter what level of learner -- from children to adults there's one thing in common. They all enjoy playing games, either to warm themselves up or to shake up the rhythm in a classroom. As part of my post graduate studies I studied research on game design theory and will share how these principles have transitioned to the ESL/EFL classroom.
Room 1: So, what exactly is GIGA school? Erin Noxon (Sagano High School)
We'll talk about what is the GIGA school concept, what is a GIGA school, what you can do at your school if your school has gone BYOD and generally have a conversation about what everyone is doing at their schools so far.
Room 2: Are ALT roles in a shifting stage? Akiko Kano (Sophia University)
Team-teaching has been an important element of ALTs' contribution to English education, especially in elementary schools. However, with more specialized English teachers (専科) coming into elementary schools these days, there seems to be a shift in what is expected of ALTs and TT. Please share your experience and ideas in this breakout room.
Room 3: Games in the Classroom Miguel Mision (University of Nagano)
What games have worked or haven't worked for you? This discussion will continue from the spotlight talk and look at examples of games that fit certain criteria of game design theory. Participants are encouraged to share any activities they do that also satisfy specific criteria and to also discuss the efficacy or lack thereof with certain games.
Room 4: Defusing Misunderstandings between ALTs and JTEs Jackson Koon Yat Lee (Toyo University)
Conflicts between colleagues often come from inaccurate assumptions about each other. A good number of misunderstandings and disagreements between ALTs and JTEs/HRTs can be avoided with a better understanding about their teaching partner, including the teacher's background, motivation, and vision for the students. This session focuses on common examples of differences that can cause such conflicts, why it is important to recognize and accept them, and how the two teachers can resolve or utilize their dissimilarities by sharing a positive approach to team-teaching.
SPECIAL TOPIC: English Kamishibai Kuniaki Sakai (英語紙芝居師 -- English Kamishibai Artist) Sakai-sensei's special presentation to close this month's event with a smile! Definitely something you don't get to see everyday! Don't miss it!
Organization: ALTTO (ALT Training Online)
Cost: free
Venue: Zoom: register here:
Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event
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