Temple University Japan:
Teaching Listening
Date: Saturday, January 15th, 2022 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Speaker: Michael Rost, Author, Editor, Teacher Trainer, Researcher, U.S.A.
The pre sign-up (or course registration for those who are taking this seminar for credit) is required for anybody attending the public session on Saturday, January 15 from 9:00 to 12:00. The sign-up process must be completed through "Distinguished Lecturer Series Seminar Sign-Up Form" that is available on TUJ Grad Ed website. The sign-up deadline is Friday, January 14 at 12:00. The public session Zoom link will be provided to those people who completed the online sign-up (or course registration) process between by 18:00 on Friday, January 14. Remaining Sessions after the public session are scheduled for January 16, 22 and 23 (9:00-12:00 JST) and require a fee of 13,000 yen for the guest auditors.
An understanding of listening processes and best practices to develop listening ability is essential in language teaching, inclusive of all types and ages of students, learning purposes, proficiency levels, and media of instruction. In this seminar we will explore the principles of listening, the differences between first language and second language listening, and the best practices for assisting learners in becoming better listeners. The seminar will be divided into eight sessions, beginning with a listener-centered model of participation in communication and an outline of the range of methods that can be used to develop listening attitudes, skills, and strategies.
We will then explore the psycholinguistic processes of listening, particularly bottom-up (language-based) processes and top-down (concept-based) processes, highlighting similarities and differences between first and second language listening. The focus of the seminar will be on articulating the principles of effective instructional practices for both, face-to-face and online teaching. In addition, we will be investigating ways of assessing listening and evaluating new technologies for teaching listening.
The course project will involve reading a number of recommended sources (provided in the course reading package, available for registered students), and designing a principled approach and a sequence of tasks for teaching your current or future students.
Organization: Temple University Japan
Cost: free
Venue: Online, see tuj.ac.jp/tesol/seminars for information.
Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event
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