Events › Chugoku / Shikoku › Kochi Prefecture
ELT Calendar for Kochi Prefecture
Events of professional interest to language teachers in Kochi Prefecture.
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Past Events in Kochi Prefecture
Here are some of the past events here, starting with the most-recently-held events.
The 3rd Annual Shikoku JALT Conference
Date: May 12th (Saturday) 2012
Speaker: Mike Guest, Jim Ronald, Grant Tew, and others TBA
Organization: Matsuyama JALT
City: Kochi City
Assessment and evaluation workshop
Date: October 30th (Sunday) 2011
Speaker: Fred Davidson
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Oxford All-Japan Summer Tour (Kochi)
Date: September 24th (Saturday) 2011
Speaker: Gerard Marchesseau (Naruto Daigaku), Joshua Kidd (JAK English School, Tochigi)
Organization: Oxford University Press
City: Kochi City
The Third Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference (day 2 of 2)
Date: February 23rd (Wednesday) 2011
Speaker: Keynote Speaker: Martin Dougiamas, founder and lead developer of Moodle
Organization: CALL SIG of JALT
City: Kami City
The Third Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference (day 1 of 2)
Date: February 22nd (Tuesday) 2011
Speaker: Keynote Speaker: Martin Dougiamas, founder and lead developer of Moodle
Organization: CALL SIG of JALT
City: Kami City
Intercultural Communication in Practice: Insights from the (Foleshill) Field
Date: July 24th (Saturday) 2010
Speaker: Minoru Yoshioka
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
1st Annual Shikoku JALT Regional Conference
Date: May 29th (Saturday) 2010
Speaker: Featured speakers Ian Isemonger, Masahiro Nagasaki and Harry Carley
Organization: Matsuyama JALT
City: Kochi City
1st Annual Shikoku JALT Regional Conference
Date: May 29th (Saturday) 2010
Speaker: Featured speakers Ian Isemonger, Masahiro Nagasaki and Harry Carley
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Technologies in Education
Date: January 24th (Sunday) 2010
Speaker: Workshop and poster sharing session
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Mapping for EFL (part I): Mapping tools workshop
Date: December 6th (Saturday) 2008
Speaker: Lawrie Hunter, Kochi University of Technology
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Storytelling and Language Teaching
Date: October 25th (Saturday) 2008
Speaker: Kusumika Chatterjee
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Sausage and Cheese: Games in the Elementary School English Classroom
Date: July 5th (Saturday) 2008
Speaker: Stan Pederson, Kumamoto University
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Materials Creation for Professional Development
Date: May 17th (Saturday) 2008
Speaker: Neil Heffernan, English Education Center, Ehime University
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Workshop on Web 2.0 Technologies in Education
Date: February 2nd (Saturday) 2008
Speaker: Michael Vallance (Hakodate Future University), Gordon Bateson (Kanazawa University), Takahiro Ioroi (Kochi Women's University), Mark Shrosbree (Tokai University)
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Practical Classroom Ideas for Teaching Japanese
Date: December 23rd (Sunday) 2007
Speaker: Takame Ueki-Sabine (University of Tasmania)
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Professional Development Workshop: Supporting Young Practitioners (Part 2)
Date: June 17th (Sunday) 2007
Speaker: Von Holt, Andrew Oberg, Jennie Kern, Kaoru Watanabe, Sean Burgoine, Maiko Ogasawara, Charlie Robertson, David Grant, Mike Sharpe
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Task-Based Teaching: Sorting out the Misunderstandings
Date: May 23rd (Wednesday) 2007
Speaker: Rod Ellis, University of Auckland
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Why We Should Not Avoid Extensive Reading in Our Classes
Date: April 22nd (Sunday) 2007
Speaker: Rob Waring
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Professional Development Workshop: Supporting Young Practitioners
Date: January 28th (Sunday) 2007
Speaker: Mentored workshop
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Psychometrics in Applied Linguistics
Date: December 16th (Saturday) 2006
Speaker: Ian Isemonger
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Teaching and Learning with Technology: Posters and Presentations
Date: October 22nd (Sunday) 2006
Speaker: Paul Daniels, Davey Leslie, Lawrie Hunter and electronic posters
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Methods for Introducing Global Issues in the EFL Classroom
Date: April 22nd (Saturday) 2006
Speaker: Kip Cates, president of JALT's Global Issues in Language Education SIG
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Teaching English Intonation
Date: November 5th (Saturday) 2005
Speaker: Professor John Wells, University College London, President of the International Phonetics Association
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City
Poster Presentation Session - Materials for Classroom Activities
Date: June 18th (Saturday) 2005
Speaker: Local poster presenters
Organization: East Shikoku JALT
City: Kochi City